Siendo muy importante para MERCULES la seguridad, la garantía y protección de los datos personales que nos facilitan nuestros Clientes y Usuarios, recomendamos que lea la siguiente Política de Privacidad.

Cuando Ud. accede a la Web  pasa a tener la condición de Usuario y cuando compra nuestros productos bien en nuestra Web o en cualquier de nuestras tiendas, pasa a tener la condición de Cliente.  La presente Política de Privacidad constituye junto con el Aviso Legal, las Condiciones Generales de Venta y la Política de cookies el conjunto de normas y políticas que regulan el uso de la Web, así como la relación entre MERCULES SPAIN S.L. y el Usuario/Cliente y, en su caso, la compra online de productos Mercules. La presente Política de Privacidad regula, en concreto, el tratamiento que MERCULES SPAIN S.L., lleva a cabo de los datos de carácter personal de los Usuarios/Clientes.

MERCULES garantiza que tratará los datos personales cumpliendo con el Reglamento UE 2016/679 de Protección de Datos, y la legislación en materia de servicios de la sociedad de la información y de comercio electrónico (LSSICE). A tal efecto, MERCULES informa de los siguientes aspectos:

¿Quién es el responsable del tratamiento de sus datos personales?

¿Cómo recogemos los datos personales?

Los datos que nos facilitan los Usuarios/Clientes tienen carácter voluntario, si bien la negativa a facilitar los datos solicitados puede comportar la imposibilidad de acceso a los servicios que lo requieran o la imposibilidad de comprar en nuestra e-Shop. Durante el proceso de recogida de datos, y siempre que se soliciten datos, se informa a los Usuarios/Clientes del carácter obligatorio o voluntario de la recogida de datos.

Datos facilitados de forma voluntaria por los Usuarios/Clientes:

  • Cuando acceden a nuestra web y/o e-Shop. Son aquellos datos personales que nos facilita el Usuario/Cliente cuando navega en nuestra Web; realiza un pedido como cliente o invitado; al participar en un concurso, sorteo o promoción; al contactar con nosotros con un comentario, duda o reclamación a través del servicio de Atención al Cliente o nos mandan cualquier comunicación escrita (ya sea por email o por correo postal); cuando se suscriba para recibir boletines informativos y newsletters sobre nuestros productos, aperturas de tiendas, rastrillos, eventos o promociones y cuando envían el CV si están interesado en alguna candidatura o en forma parte de nuestro equipo etc.
  • En nuestras tiendas y eventos. Son aquellos datos personales que nos facilita el Cliente cuando cumplimenta nuestras fichas de cliente al visitar nuestros puntos de venta; cuando compran nuestros productos; cuando asisten a rastrillos.etc.
  • Datos facilitados por los Usuarios /Clientes durante la navegación en la web y/o e-Shop: son datos resultantes de la aplicación de algoritmos para analizar por ejemplo registros de compras, conocer el interés de nuestros clientes por determinados productos, gustos, histórico de compras, promociones, navegación realizada en nuestra Web… etc.

¿Qué datos personales tratamos?

Información personal y de contacto

Esta información la proporciona o facilita el Usuario/Cliente a MERCULES SPAIN S.L. cuando se registra en nuestra Web como invitado, cliente, etc. cumplimenta la ficha de Cliente o cuando se pone en contacto por cualquier cuestión con MERCULES SPAIN S.L.

Estos datos son por ejemplo el nombre y apellidos, fecha de nacimiento, país, dirección, domicilio de entrega, email, número de teléfono, número de móvil, etc. o aquellos que MERCULES SPAIN S.L. pueda solicitar para atender y tramitar cualquier consulta o solicitud que los Usuarios/Clientes nos hagan llegar.

Estos datos son por ejemplo el nombre y apellidos, fecha de nacimiento, país, dirección, domicilio de entrega, email, número de teléfono, número de móvil, etc. o aquellos que MERCULES SPAIN S.L. pueda solicitar para atender y tramitar cualquier consulta o solicitud que los Usuarios/Clientes nos hagan llegar.

Información de pago, facturación y de ventas

Esta información la proporciona o facilita el Usuario/Cliente cuando realiza una compra de nuestros productos y son por ejemplo el instrumento de pago (tarjeta de crédito, tarjeta de débito) método de envío elegido, productos adquiridos, datos de envío, de facturación, lugar de compra, preferencias, devoluciones, reembolsos etc.

Información sobre la interacción y preferencias de nuestros Usuarios/Clientes

MERCULES SPAIN S.L. para mejorar y conocer los productos que más se ajustan a nuestros Usuarios/Clientes, recoge, guarda y trata toda la información sobre las preferencias y gustos (historial de compras, hábitos y preferencias), por ejemplo, al añadir productos a “Mis favoritos”, o al seleccionar un idioma de preferencia, etc.

Información sobre los dispositivos y el uso de nuestra Web

MERCULES SPAIN S.L. recoge y trata los datos concernientes a los dispositivos desde los que los Usuarios/Clientes acceden a nuestra Web, es decir si es un PC o un móvil, dirección IP, el uso que se hace de la Web, etc.

Información sobre carrera profesional y CV

MERCULES SPAIN S.L. recoge y trata toda la información personal, información académica, profesional y curricular, así como los datos de contacto que los Usuarios nos proporcionan cuando solicitan un puesto de trabajo o presentan una candidatura a cualquiera de los puestos de trabajo o vacantes. Los datos personales, académicos, profesionales, curriculares y de contacto que recogemos son aquellos que en cada momento nos facilitan los Usuarios a través de su CV como, por ejemplo, experiencia laboral previa, formación y datos académicos, etc.

¿Con qué finalidad tratamos los datos personales?

MERCULES SPAIN S.L. establece que, en base al principio de limitación de la finalidad, los datos personales serán recogidos exclusivamente para fines determinados, explícitos y legítimos, y no serán tratados ulteriormente de manera incompatible con dichos fines. Las finalidades son las siguientes:

  • Para gestionar, desarrollar y ejecutar la compra de nuestros productos.

Los datos personales como información personal básica, de contacto, datos sobre sus compras, datos de pagos, información relativa a ventas y cualesquiera otros datos estrictamente necesarios para la consecución de este fin, son utilizados:

  • Para gestionar, administrar y procesar la compra de nuestros productos, para actuaciones administrativas, contabilidad, tramitar cualquier incidencia o consulta en relación con los procesos de compra y gestionar cualquier devolución, reclamación o desistimiento de los productos comprados, garantías, comunicaciones con el Cliente ante cualquier problema relativo a la gestión o entrega del pedido etc. y
  • Para cumplir con obligaciones impuestas por leyes, reglamentos o legislación que resulte de aplicación.

Los datos se conservarán mientras se mantenga la relación y no se solicite su supresión y en cualquier caso en cumplimiento de plazos legales de prescripción que le resulten de aplicación. En caso de no facilitar los datos necesarios para esta finalidad no será posible la compra de nuestros productos.

Para gestionar y tramitar servicios solicitados por el Usuario/Cliente

Se utilizarán sus datos personales (información personal y de contacto) y cualesquiera otros datos estrictamente necesarios para dar cumplimiento a la solicitud y seguimiento de cualquier cuestión, duda, queja, reclamación que nos pueda plantear o presentar el Usuario/Cliente.

Los datos se conservarán mientras se mantenga la relación y no se solicite su supresión y en cualquier caso en cumplimiento de plazos legales de prescripción que le resulten de aplicación. En caso de no facilitar los datos necesarios para esta finalidad no será posible atender el servicio solicitado por el Usuario/Cliente.

Para la gestión de relaciones con nuestros Usuarios/Clientes

Para enviar información y newsletters relativas a productos, servicios e invitaciones a eventos sobre nuestra marca (organizados por nosotros); ofrecer promociones, descuentos y otros servicios personalizados; invitaciones a concursos, sorteos y otras iniciativas para clientes o Usuarios; evaluar y mejorar la calidad y selección de nuestros servicios y productos según las necesidades y preferencias de los Usuarios/Clientes; desarrollar nuevos productos y servicios en base a las preferencias de los Usuarios/Clientes; analizar y realizar estadísticas y estudios sobre los intereses, preferencias o tendencias de uso de los Usuarios/Clientes; diseñar estrategias de publicidad, realizar segmentación de comportamientos, marketing y/o mercadotecnia.

Para enviar información comercial y de marketing de nuestros productos, promociones, invitaciones a concursos, el rastrillo etc, MERCULES SPAIN S.L. podrá utilizar medios de contacto tradicionales (correo postal y teléfono) y/o digitales y automatizados (correo electrónico, SMS, teléfono y otros canales digitales) y podremos remitir estas comunicaciones si el Usuario/Cliente ha aceptado expresamente recibir las mismas. En cualquier momento, el Usuario/Cliente puede cancelar la suscripción o darse de baja en cualquier momento.

Los datos se conservarán mientras el Usuario/Cliente no nos solicite la baja, al entender que sigue interesado en recibir las citadas comunicaciones. En caso de no facilitar los datos necesarios para esta finalidad no será posible informar al Usuario/Cliente sobre nuestras novedades, promociones, sorteos y eventos.

Para gestionar y tramitar procesos de selección de candidatos

Se utilizarán los datos personales proporcionados por los candidatos con el fin de proceder a la comunicación de posibles ofertas de trabajo, así como de procesos de selección que puedan interesar al candidato por reunir el mismo los requisitos adecuados.

Los datos personales proporcionados se conservarán por el tiempo necesario que MERCULES SPAIN S.L. considere en atención a las aptitudes y cualificaciones del candidato y las necesidades de contratación de la empresa o hasta que se solicite la supresión por el candidato.

¿A quién comunicamos los datos?

Cuando un Cliente adquiere nuestros productos puede resultar necesario comunicar parte de datos personales a terceros con el fin de poder tramitar y gestionar dicha compra, por ejemplo:

  • Datos de contacto o envío, cuya comunicación a empresas de transportes y mensajería puede resultar necesaria para que puedan procesarse las compras de productos que realiza el Cliente con MERCULES SPAIN S.L.
  • Tus datos personales y/o datos de medios de pago, cuya comunicación a empresas de tarjetas de crédito, bancos y empresas puede resultar necesaria para que puedan procesarse las transacciones que realices en nuestra e-Shop.

En cualquier caso, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en la normativa vigente, MERCULES SPAIN S.L. únicamente comunicará aquellos datos personales de los Cliente que sean estrictamente necesarios, y los terceros destinatarios de los mismos únicamente podrán tratar tus datos personales para tramitar y gestionar la compra del producto.

El usuario acepta que todos sus datos de carácter personal sean íntegramente cedidos a Aplazame desde el momento en que el usuario haya iniciado la contratación del servicio de pago aplazado ofrecido por ésta última en el momento de elegir la forma de pago. Esta aceptación se extiende a terceras entidades que tuvieran que acceder a los ficheros para el buen fin del contrato.

Fuera de los supuestos anteriormente especificados, MERCULES SPAIN S.L. no comunica a terceros la información personal que nos proporcionan Clientes/Usuarios a través de la Web, salvo cuando la revelación sea exigida por la legislación vigente, por orden judicial, o por una autoridad competente, así como cuando debamos comunicar los datos indispensables por razón lógica de la prestación del servicio.

¿Cuáles son los derechos de los Usuarios/Clientes?

  • Derecho de acceso: Derecho a obtener confirmación sobre si MERCULES SPAIN S.L. trata datos personales que le conciernan, o no.
  • Derecho de portabilidad: Siempre que MERCULES SPAIN S.L. procese datos personales a través de medios automatizados en base a su consentimiento o a un contrato, el Usuario/Cliente tiene derecho a obtener una copia de sus datos en un formato estructurado, de uso común y lectura mecánica transferida a su nombre o a un tercero. En ella se incluirán únicamente los datos personales que hubiera facilitado.
  • Derecho de rectificación: Derecho a obtener la rectificación de los datos personales inexactos o incompletos que le conciernan. Si el Cliente tiene una cuenta en nuestra e-Shop, puede editar sus datos personales en dicha cuenta.
  • Derecho de supresión o derecho al olvido:Derecho a obtener la supresión de cualquier dato personal que MERCULES SPAIN S.L. trate en cualquier momento, excepto en las siguientes situaciones: si tiene un pedido pendiente de entrega total o parcialmente; tiene una deuda pendiente con MERCULES SPAIN S.L., tiene algún duda o reclamación pendiente de resolverse con el Servicios de atención al cliente  y si ha  realizado alguna compra por lo que conservaremos sus datos personales en relación con la transacción por normativa fiscal y contable.
  • Derecho de oposición al tratamiento de datos en base al interés legítimo: Derecho a oponerse al tratamiento de los datos personales en base al interés legítimo de MERCULES SPAIN S.L. Nosotros no seguiremos tratando los datos personales a menos que podamos acreditar motivos legítimos imperiosos para el tratamiento que prevalezcan sobre sus intereses, derechos y libertades, o bien para la formulación, el ejercicio o la defensa de reclamaciones.

Estos derechos podrán ejercitarse mediante comunicación a MERCULES SPAIN S.L. a la dirección de correo electrónico o mediante escrito a MERCULES SPAIN S.L. Av/Neguri, 9. 48992, Getxo, Vizcaya.

  • Derecho de oposición a recibir comunicaciones comerciales y de marketing: Derecho a oponerse a recibir comunicaciones comerciales y de marketing. En cualquier momento los Usuarios/Clientes pueden darse de baja simplemente siguiendo las instrucciones que se indican en el pie del cuerpo de cada una de las comunicaciones electrónicas remitidas por MERCULES SPAIN S.L.
  • Derecho a presentar una reclamación ante una autoridad de control: Si considera que MERCULES SPAIN S.L. trata sus datos de un modo incorrecto, puede contactar con nosotros. También tiene derecho a presentar una queja ante la autoridad de protección de datos competente.

Modificación de la Política de Privacidad

MERCULES SPAIN S.L. se reserva el derecho a modificar de manera unilateral la presente Política de privacidad como consecuencia, entre otras circunstancias, de: (I) cambios en la Web; (II) modificaciones en los tratamientos o finalidades de datos personales; (III) modificaciones o novedades legislativas o (IV) el establecimiento de nuevos criterios por parte de la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos o cualquier otra autoridad sobre la materia.

Por ello, MERCULES SPAIN S.L. recomienda al Usuario que lea detenidamente la Política de privacidad vigente en el momento en que acceda a la Web y en todo caso antes de registrarse, suscribirse o comprar algún producto de nuestra marca.


Para cualquier duda, consulta o información acerca de esta Política de Privacidad o para remitirnos cualquier sugerencia o reclamación puede ponerse en contacto con MERCULES, S.L. enviando un email a la dirección de correo electrónico o mediante escrito a MERCULES SPAIN S.L. Av/Neguri, 9. 48992, Getxo, Vizcaya

Given that the security, guarantee and protection of the personal data provided by our Customers are very important for MERCULES, we recommend you read the following Privacy Policy.

When you access you become a User and when you buy our products, either on our website or in any of our stores, you become a Customer. This Privacy Policy constitutes, together with the Legal Notice, the General Conditions of Sale and the Cookies Policy, the set of rules and policies governing the use of the website called as well as the relationship between MERCULES, SL and the User/Customer and, where applicable, the online purchase of MERCULES products. The present Privacy Policy regulates, in particular, the processing by MERCULES, SL, of personal data belonging to the Users/Customers.

MERCULES guarantees that it will process personal data in compliance with EU Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 and the legislation on information society services and electronic commerce (LSSICE). To this end, MERCULES states the following:

Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?

How do we collect personal data?

The data provided by Users/Customers is voluntary, although if they refuse to provide the requested data they may be unable to access the services for which their data are needed, or they may not be able to buy in our e-Shop. During the data collection process, and whenever data is requested, users/customers are informed of the mandatory or voluntary nature of data collection.

Data provided voluntarily by Users/Customers:

  • When they access our website and/or e-Shop.This is the personal information that the User/Customer provides when browsing our website; placing an order as a customer or guest; creating or modifying their account; establishing a list of favourite products; participating in a contest, prize draw or special offer; by contacting us with a comment, question or complaint through the Customer Service Department or by sending us any written communication (either by email or by post); when subscribing to receive newsletters and newsletters about our products, store openings, street market, events or promotions and when sending their CVs if they are interested in any vacancy or in forming part of our team, etc.
  • In our shops and events. The personal data Customers provide us with when they fill out our customer information sheets when visiting our points of sale; when they buy our products; when they go to street markets, etc.
  • Data provided by Users/Customers while browsing the website and/or e-Shop: Data resulting from the application of algorithms for analyzing, for example, purchase records, to know our customers’ interest in certain products, preferences, purchase history, special offers, browsing on our website, etc.

What personal data do we process?

Personal and contact information

This information is provided or facilitated by the User/Customer to MERCULES, SL when registering on our website as a guest, customer, etc., when filling in the Customer form or when contacting MERCULES, SL for any enquiry.

These data are, for example, name and surname, date of birth, country, address, delivery address, email, telephone number, mobile number, etc. or those that MERCULES, SL may request to attend and process any consultation or request that the Users/Customers may send us.

Payment, billing and sales information

This information is provided or facilitated by the User/Customer when purchasing our products, for example, the payment instrument (credit card, debit card) chosen shipping method, products purchased, shipping data, billing, place of purchase, preferences, returns, refunds, etc.

Information about the interaction and preferences of our Users/Customers

MERCULES, SL collects, stores and processes all the information on preferences and tastes (purchase history, habits and preferences), for example, when adding products to "My favourites", or when selecting a preferred language, etc., to improve and know the products that best suit our Users/Customers.

Information about devices and the use of our website

MERCULES, SL collects and processes the data concerning the devices from which the Users/Customers access our Website, i.e. whether it is a PC or a mobile phone, IP address, the use made of the Website, etc.

Career information and CV

MERCULES, SL collects and processes all personal information, academic, professional and CV information, as well as the contact details that Users provide us with when they apply for any jobs or vacancies. The personal, academic, professional, curricular and contact data that we collect are those that the Users provide us with at all times through their CVs, such as previous work experience, training and academic data, etc.

Why do we process personal data?

MERCULES, SL establishes that, based on the principle of purpose limitation, personal data will be collected exclusively for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, and will not be further processed in a way that is not consistent with those purposes. The purposes are as follows:

  • To manage, develop and execute the purchase of our products.

Personal data such as basic personal information, contact information, data on your purchases, payment data, sales information and any other data strictly necessary to achieve this purpose are used:

  • To manage, administer and process the purchase of our products, for administrative actions, accounting, processing any incident or query in relation to the purchase processes and manage any return, claim or withdrawal of products purchased, warranties, communications with the Customer regarding any problems relating to the management or delivery of the order etc.; and
  • To comply with obligations imposed by applicable laws, regulations or legislation.

The data shall be kept for as long as the relationship is maintained and no request is made to delete them, and invariably complying with any statute of limitations periods which may be applicable to it. If you do not provide the necessary information for this purpose, you will not be able to buy our products.

To manage and process services requested by the User/Customer

We will use your personal data (personal and contact information) and any other data strictly necessary to comply with the request and follow-up of any question, doubt, complaint or claim that may be raised or presented by the User/Customer.

The data shall be kept for as long as the relationship is maintained and no request is made to delete them, and invariably complying with any statute of limitations periods which may be applicable to it. If you do not provide the necessary information for this purpose, we will not be able to perform the service requested by the User/Customer.

To manage relations with our Users/Customers

To send information and newsletters regarding products, services and invitations to events about our brand (organized by us); special offers, discounts and other customized services; invitations to take part in competitions, prize draws and other initiatives for customers or Users; to evaluate and improve the quality and selection of our services and products according to the needs and preferences of Users/Customers; to develop new products and services based on the preferences of the Users/Customers; to analyze and perform statistics and studies on the interests, preferences or trends of use of the Users/Customers; and to design advertising strategies, perform behavioral segmentation, and/or marketing.

To send commercial and marketing information about our products, special offers, invitations to competitions, street markets, etc., MERCULES, SL may use traditional means of contact (postal mail and telephone) and/or digital and automated (e-mail, SMS, telephone and other digital channels) and we may send these communications if the User/Customer has expressly agreed to receive them. At any time, the User/Customer may cancel their subscription or unregister.

The data will be kept as long as the User/Customer does not request its cancellation, as it is understood that he/she is still interested in receiving the aforementioned communications. If the information required for this purpose is not provided, we will not be able to inform the User/Customer about our news, special offers, draws and events.

To manage and process candidate selection processes

The personal data provided by candidates will be used for the purpose of communicating possible job offers, as well as selection processes that may be of interest to the candidate because they meet the appropriate requirements.

The personal data provided will be kept for the time necessary for MERCULES, SL to consider the candidate's skills and qualifications and the company's recruitment needs, or until the candidate requests that they be deleted.

Who do we send the data to?

When a Customer purchases our products it may be necessary to communicate some personal data to third parties in order to process and manage such a purchase, for example:

  • Contact or shipping details, which it may be necessary to communicate to transport and courier companies in order to process the purchases of products made by the Customer with MERCULES, SL;
  • Your personal data and/or payment details, which may have to be communicated to credit card companies, banks and companies in order to process your transactions in our e-Shop.


Pursuant to current laws, MERCULES, SL will only disclose the personal data of the Customer that are strictly necessary, and the third-party recipients of same may only process your personal data to process and manage the purchase of the product.

Aplazame service: The user accepts that all their personal data are fully assigned to Aplazame from the moment the user has begun the hiring of the deferred payment service offered by the latter at the time of choosing the payment method. This acceptance extends to third parties that have to access the files for the successful conclusion of the contract.

Apart from the above-mentioned cases, MERCULES, SL does not communicate the personal information provided by Clients/Users through the website to third parties, except when such disclosure is required by current legislation, by court order, or by a competent authority, as well as when we must communicate the data required for the logical reason of providing the service.

Under no circumstances does MERCULES, SL transfer personal data to third parties.

What are the rights of Users/Customers?

  • Right of access: Right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not MERCULES, SL processes personal data concerning you.
  • Right of portability: Whenever MERCULES, SL processes personal data through automated means based on your consent or a contract, the User/Customer has the right to obtain a copy of his/her data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format transferred to you or to a third party. It will only include the personal data you have provided.
  • Right of rectification: Right to have inaccurate or incomplete personal data concerning you corrected. If the Customer has an account in our e-Shop, they can edit their personal data in this account.
  • Right to erasure or right to be forgotten: Right to obtain the deletion of any personal data that MERCULES, SL processes at any time, except in the following situations: if you have an order pending delivery in whole or in part; you have an outstanding debt to MERCULES, SL, have any questions or claims pending resolution with the Customer Care Services and if you have made a purchase, where we will retain your personal information in connection with the transaction under tax and accounting regulations.
  • Right to object to the processing of data on the basis of legitimate interests: Right to object to the processing of personal data on the basis of the legitimate interests of MERCULES, SL We will not continue to process personal data unless we can prove compelling legal grounds for the processing that prevail over your interests, rights and freedoms, or for the filing, exercise or defence of claims. 

These rights may be exercised by notifying MERCULES, SL at the e-mail address or by writing to MERCULES, S.L. Av/Neguri, 9. 48992, Getxo, Vizcaya, SPAIN.

  • Right of opposition to receive commercial and marketing communications: Right to object to receiving commercial and marketing communications. At any time Users/Customers may unregister simply by following the instructions indicated at the bottom of the body of each electronic communication sent by MERCULES, SL
  • Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority: If you believe that MERCULES, SL processes your data incorrectly, you can contact us. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection authority.

Amendment of the Privacy Policy

MERCULES, SL reserves the right to unilaterally amend this Privacy Policy as a result, inter alia, of: (i) changes in the website; (ii) modifications in the processing or purposes of personal data; (iii) modifications or new legislation or (iv) the establishment of new criteria by the Spanish Data Protection Agency or any other authority on the subject.

Accordingly, MERCULES, SL recommends that the User carefully read the Privacy Policy in force at the time he/she accesses the Website and invariably before registering, subscribing or purchasing any product of our brand.


For any doubt, query or if you need further information about this Privacy Policy, or to send us any suggestion or complaint, you can contact MERCULES, SL by sending an email to e-mail address or by writing to MERCULES, S.L. Av/Neguri, 9. 48992, Getxo, Vizcaya, SPAIN.

Given that the security, guarantee and protection of the personal data provided by our Customers are very important for MERCULES, we recommend you read the following Privacy Policy.

When you access you become a User and when you buy our products, either on our website or in any of our stores, you become a Customer. This Privacy Policy constitutes, together with the Legal Notice, the General Conditions of Sale and the Cookies Policy, the set of rules and policies governing the use of the website called as well as the relationship between MERCULES, SL and the User/Customer and, where applicable, the online purchase of MERCULES products. The present Privacy Policy regulates, in particular, the processing by MERCULES, SL, of personal data belonging to the Users/Customers.

MERCULES guarantees that it will process personal data in compliance with EU Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 and the legislation on information society services and electronic commerce (LSSICE). To this end, MERCULES states the following:

Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?

How do we collect personal data?

The data provided by Users/Customers is voluntary, although if they refuse to provide the requested data they may be unable to access the services for which their data are needed, or they may not be able to buy in our e-Shop. During the data collection process, and whenever data is requested, users/customers are informed of the mandatory or voluntary nature of data collection.

Data provided voluntarily by Users/Customers:

  • When they access our website and/or e-Shop.This is the personal information that the User/Customer provides when browsing our website; placing an order as a customer or guest; creating or modifying their account; establishing a list of favourite products; participating in a contest, prize draw or special offer; by contacting us with a comment, question or complaint through the Customer Service Department or by sending us any written communication (either by email or by post); when subscribing to receive newsletters and newsletters about our products, store openings, street market, events or promotions and when sending their CVs if they are interested in any vacancy or in forming part of our team, etc.
  • In our shops and events. The personal data Customers provide us with when they fill out our customer information sheets when visiting our points of sale; when they buy our products; when they go to street markets, etc.
  • Data provided by Users/Customers while browsing the website and/or e-Shop: Data resulting from the application of algorithms for analyzing, for example, purchase records, to know our customers’ interest in certain products, preferences, purchase history, special offers, browsing on our website, etc.

What personal data do we process?

Personal and contact information

This information is provided or facilitated by the User/Customer to MERCULES, SL when registering on our website as a guest, customer, etc., when filling in the Customer form or when contacting MERCULES, SL for any enquiry.

These data are, for example, name and surname, date of birth, country, address, delivery address, email, telephone number, mobile number, etc. or those that MERCULES, SL may request to attend and process any consultation or request that the Users/Customers may send us.

Payment, billing and sales information

This information is provided or facilitated by the User/Customer when purchasing our products, for example, the payment instrument (credit card, debit card) chosen shipping method, products purchased, shipping data, billing, place of purchase, preferences, returns, refunds, etc.

Information about the interaction and preferences of our Users/Customers

MERCULES, SL collects, stores and processes all the information on preferences and tastes (purchase history, habits and preferences), for example, when adding products to "My favourites", or when selecting a preferred language, etc., to improve and know the products that best suit our Users/Customers.

Information about devices and the use of our website

MERCULES, SL collects and processes the data concerning the devices from which the Users/Customers access our Website, i.e. whether it is a PC or a mobile phone, IP address, the use made of the Website, etc.

Career information and CV

MERCULES, SL collects and processes all personal information, academic, professional and CV information, as well as the contact details that Users provide us with when they apply for any jobs or vacancies. The personal, academic, professional, curricular and contact data that we collect are those that the Users provide us with at all times through their CVs, such as previous work experience, training and academic data, etc.

Why do we process personal data?

MERCULES, SL establishes that, based on the principle of purpose limitation, personal data will be collected exclusively for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, and will not be further processed in a way that is not consistent with those purposes. The purposes are as follows:

  • To manage, develop and execute the purchase of our products.

Personal data such as basic personal information, contact information, data on your purchases, payment data, sales information and any other data strictly necessary to achieve this purpose are used:

  • To manage, administer and process the purchase of our products, for administrative actions, accounting, processing any incident or query in relation to the purchase processes and manage any return, claim or withdrawal of products purchased, warranties, communications with the Customer regarding any problems relating to the management or delivery of the order etc.; and
  • To comply with obligations imposed by applicable laws, regulations or legislation.

The data shall be kept for as long as the relationship is maintained and no request is made to delete them, and invariably complying with any statute of limitations periods which may be applicable to it. If you do not provide the necessary information for this purpose, you will not be able to buy our products.

To manage and process services requested by the User/Customer

We will use your personal data (personal and contact information) and any other data strictly necessary to comply with the request and follow-up of any question, doubt, complaint or claim that may be raised or presented by the User/Customer.

The data shall be kept for as long as the relationship is maintained and no request is made to delete them, and invariably complying with any statute of limitations periods which may be applicable to it. If you do not provide the necessary information for this purpose, we will not be able to perform the service requested by the User/Customer.

To manage relations with our Users/Customers

To send information and newsletters regarding products, services and invitations to events about our brand (organized by us); special offers, discounts and other customized services; invitations to take part in competitions, prize draws and other initiatives for customers or Users; to evaluate and improve the quality and selection of our services and products according to the needs and preferences of Users/Customers; to develop new products and services based on the preferences of the Users/Customers; to analyze and perform statistics and studies on the interests, preferences or trends of use of the Users/Customers; and to design advertising strategies, perform behavioral segmentation, and/or marketing.

To send commercial and marketing information about our products, special offers, invitations to competitions, street markets, etc., MERCULES, SL may use traditional means of contact (postal mail and telephone) and/or digital and automated (e-mail, SMS, telephone and other digital channels) and we may send these communications if the User/Customer has expressly agreed to receive them. At any time, the User/Customer may cancel their subscription or unregister.

The data will be kept as long as the User/Customer does not request its cancellation, as it is understood that he/she is still interested in receiving the aforementioned communications. If the information required for this purpose is not provided, we will not be able to inform the User/Customer about our news, special offers, draws and events.

To manage and process candidate selection processes

The personal data provided by candidates will be used for the purpose of communicating possible job offers, as well as selection processes that may be of interest to the candidate because they meet the appropriate requirements.

The personal data provided will be kept for the time necessary for MERCULES, SL to consider the candidate's skills and qualifications and the company's recruitment needs, or until the candidate requests that they be deleted.

Who do we send the data to?

When a Customer purchases our products it may be necessary to communicate some personal data to third parties in order to process and manage such a purchase, for example:

  • Contact or shipping details, which it may be necessary to communicate to transport and courier companies in order to process the purchases of products made by the Customer with MERCULES, SL;
  • Your personal data and/or payment details, which may have to be communicated to credit card companies, banks and companies in order to process your transactions in our e-Shop.


Pursuant to current laws, MERCULES, SL will only disclose the personal data of the Customer that are strictly necessary, and the third-party recipients of same may only process your personal data to process and manage the purchase of the product.

Aplazame service: The user accepts that all their personal data are fully assigned to Aplazame from the moment the user has begun the hiring of the deferred payment service offered by the latter at the time of choosing the payment method. This acceptance extends to third parties that have to access the files for the successful conclusion of the contract.

Apart from the above-mentioned cases, MERCULES, SL does not communicate the personal information provided by Clients/Users through the website to third parties, except when such disclosure is required by current legislation, by court order, or by a competent authority, as well as when we must communicate the data required for the logical reason of providing the service.

Under no circumstances does MERCULES, SL transfer personal data to third parties.

What are the rights of Users/Customers?

  • Right of access: Right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not MERCULES, SL processes personal data concerning you.
  • Right of portability: Whenever MERCULES, SL processes personal data through automated means based on your consent or a contract, the User/Customer has the right to obtain a copy of his/her data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format transferred to you or to a third party. It will only include the personal data you have provided.
  • Right of rectification: Right to have inaccurate or incomplete personal data concerning you corrected. If the Customer has an account in our e-Shop, they can edit their personal data in this account.
  • Right to erasure or right to be forgotten: Right to obtain the deletion of any personal data that MERCULES, SL processes at any time, except in the following situations: if you have an order pending delivery in whole or in part; you have an outstanding debt to MERCULES, SL, have any questions or claims pending resolution with the Customer Care Services and if you have made a purchase, where we will retain your personal information in connection with the transaction under tax and accounting regulations.
  • Right to object to the processing of data on the basis of legitimate interests: Right to object to the processing of personal data on the basis of the legitimate interests of MERCULES, SL We will not continue to process personal data unless we can prove compelling legal grounds for the processing that prevail over your interests, rights and freedoms, or for the filing, exercise or defence of claims. 

These rights may be exercised by notifying MERCULES, SL at the e-mail address or by writing to MERCULES, S.L. Av/Neguri, 9. 48992, Getxo, Vizcaya, SPAIN.

  • Right of opposition to receive commercial and marketing communications: Right to object to receiving commercial and marketing communications. At any time Users/Customers may unregister simply by following the instructions indicated at the bottom of the body of each electronic communication sent by MERCULES, SL
  • Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority: If you believe that MERCULES, SL processes your data incorrectly, you can contact us. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection authority.

Amendment of the Privacy Policy

MERCULES, SL reserves the right to unilaterally amend this Privacy Policy as a result, inter alia, of: (i) changes in the website; (ii) modifications in the processing or purposes of personal data; (iii) modifications or new legislation or (iv) the establishment of new criteria by the Spanish Data Protection Agency or any other authority on the subject.

Accordingly, MERCULES, SL recommends that the User carefully read the Privacy Policy in force at the time he/she accesses the Website and invariably before registering, subscribing or purchasing any product of our brand.


For any doubt, query or if you need further information about this Privacy Policy, or to send us any suggestion or complaint, you can contact MERCULES, SL by sending an email to e-mail address or by writing to MERCULES, S.L. Av/Neguri, 9. 48992, Getxo, Vizcaya, SPAIN.